
Inuits And Mi Kmaq Analysis

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Inuits and Mi’Kmaq

One day the Inuits and the Mi'kmaq people wink at it again, but this time in facts. I will tell you about the facts of each of them, which is going to be about the housing what they eat and saw one.
This paragraph is going to be all about the Inuits and what kind of environment they live in what housing and so on.Where the Inuits lived was in the arctic and Subarctic along the side of the arctic ocean and the Bering Sea. How this evidence supports the main point is this tells you where the Inuits live and so on.Next, Inuits make their crafts and out of tools. Most of the time the stone is made into tools. How this supports the main point is by telling you how they got their food and things like that. After,The language …show more content…

They both live in houses such as wigwams and igloos. This supports main point 2 because this is what they both have. Next, what they both have in common is they both speak Algonquian. This is supportive because this is something they both do. After, Both of their myths are animals which are for the Inuits is a polar bear, for the Mi’kmaq is a rabbit. What they made their crafts out of was not used to carry found. Finally, they both kill and eat walrus. Where walrus live is from the northeastern to Greenland, they also live in air temperature about -15 to +15oC (5-41oF). Most walrus live in frigid waters near the Arctic Circle. This paragraph was about the similarities about the Inuits and the Mi’kmaq.
Finally this paragraph is on the Mi'kmaq. Lived in eastern Canada also known as New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island. This supports main point 3 because this is where they lived. Than, Mi’Kmaq make there out of animals skins, and trees. This supports point three because this is what they carry around. After that, The Mi’kmaq people wrote symbols instead of talking. The one tell the last one, Mi'kmaq peoples houses where wigwams cone-shaped style tepee that hold up to 10-12 people.Finally, they were not interested in trades with other

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