
Investing : Developing Production Capabilities Essay

Better Essays

investing: developing production capability a report prepared by daliso chinkoyo for EGCM Ltd

To: Director of EGCM Ltd
From: Daliso Chinkoyo
Date: 23 April 2015
Subject: Developing Production Productivity The Developing Production Capability Report has been completed.

This report explores two proposals being considered as part of developing the production capability at EGCM Ltd. The report considers peer reviewed articles and other credible sources written by experts in their field. Reviewing the research gathered, Proposal B offers the better investment plan as it carries attributes such as a lower payback period when compared to Proposal A. The report recommends that Proposal B is the overall better option for EGCM Ltd to invest into due to it outscoring Proposal A in all the comparisons that have been made.
EGCM Ltd is a company which manufactures metal and is considering making a $28000 investment in developing their production capability. Two proposals, namely Proposal A and Proposal B have been drafted in order to find out which proposal is better suited for EGCM to make its investment. Proposal A requires an investment of $28000 and should have a positive net cash flow of $4480 annually for the first seven years. Proposal B requires an investment of $28000 and estimates net cash flows of:
Year 1 -$ 2800
Year 2 $ 3745
Year 3 $ 4480
Year 4 $ 6370
Year 5 $ 9170
Year 6 $ 9800
Year 7 $ 11200
Points that will be

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