
Irony In A Good Man Is Hard To Find

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A literary fiction could be established using several literary elements, such as irony, symbolism, and characterization. When using the irony technique, writers employing incongruous situation and characters that make reader laugh, even though they have the significant insight of human nature. Symbolism, which has a second meaning beneath the surface of the story, often uses different things to symbolize the original person or things. Another element is characterization. It has direct characterization that express a person in his words and indirect characterization that use their action to show their character. Flannery O’ Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” and “Everything That Rises Must Converge” are short stories that reveals people could be hypocritical and selfish who think they care about …show more content…

In “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”, a family planned to go to Florida for a vacation. However, because of the grandmother’s nostalgia, she convinced her son to go to Tennessee. Unfortunately, they encountered a murder, the misfit, and the whole family got killed. In “Everything that Rises Must Converge”, Julian’s mother needed to go to a reducing class, so he went with her. On the way to the class, they meet some black people and his mother wanted to give a nickel to a black boy that arouses Julian’s anger. At the end, they were both got in trouble. The author uses characterization, irony, and symbolism to show the theme that people sometime cannot realize they are self-righteous and hypocritical which might trigger adversity. The author uses direct-characterization of the grandmother from “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” to show that the grandmother is hypocritical and have caused the tragedy. In the story, the grandmother used a shocking news—A murder called himself The Misfit was aloose from jail and was headed toward

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