
Irony In The Open Window

Decent Essays

Throughout the story, “The Open Window”, there are many examples of irony. Irony can be funny, serious, or even scary. There are three types of irony; which are; situational, dramatic, and verbal. Situational is what is expected to happen and what actually happens. Dramatic is when the audience know more about something that is happening than the character does. Finally, verbal is the use of words meaning something different than what they actually mean.
In the story, it says that Mrs. Sappleton’s niece's name is Vera. Vera is a Slavic word that means truth; however, throughout the story Vera is telling many lies. First, Vera tells Framton Nutell a fiction story of how Mrs. Sappleton’s husband and two younger brothers went out the window to …show more content…

This explains how the three figures come back to the house through the window. At first, these figures are expected to be ghost; however they were very human and very alive. Franton Nutell did not stay long enough to find out whether they were alive or not. This is an example of situational irony.
Lastly, throughout the story there are hints that Vera may be a trouble maker. In paragraph eight, Vera shows some interest that Franton doesn’t know anyone or anything about the people in that town. As soon as Vera finds out that he knows nothing, she begins to create the story of the open window. Also, in paragraph sixteen, Vera’s aunt says, “I hope Vera has been amusing you?”, so this also gives a hint that she might be up to something. This is an example of dramatic irony, because the reader knows about the window and Franton does not.
In conclusion, there are many examples of irony in this story. There is situational irony, dramatic irony, and verbal irony. The story shows situational irony when the three figures of Mrs. Sappleton’s husband and two brothers come through the door alive, when they were expected to be ghost. Dramatic irony is shown when the reader knows that Vera is up to something and Frantom Nutell does not. Lastly, verbal irony is shown through Vera’s name because Vera means truth and throughout the story Vera is

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