
Is Brutus A Hero

Decent Essays

In the drama Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, the character Brutus is the head conspirator in a plot to kill Caesar, a Roman senator, deceives the public, then loses a major battle against the Triumvirate, which ends in his suicide. However, he can still be considered the hero of the Tragedy Julius Ceasar. Throughout the play, Brutus constantly believes that what he is doing is best for the Rome. Brutus is the hero because everything he does and all of the decisions he makes are made for the good of the people. All of the other main characters are motivated to do what they are doing for reasons like revenge, power, and personal reasons. Cassius truly does not like Caesar as a person. Most of the other conspirators are involved with the …show more content…

He is still not that this is best for Rome, and only says he’ll think about it. This act shows that Brutus only wanted to kill Caesar if it was absolutely necessary.

example 2: III.II: Brutus eventually decides to take part in the assassination of Julius Caesar. At Caesar’s funeral, Brutus gives a speech explaining to the public why he took part in the conspiracy. He says,“ ‘not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.’ ” When he tells this to the plebeians, he is not making it up. Brutus believes that if nobody took action against Caesar to defend the Republic, then Caesar would eventually turn into a dictator. To be honest, he was probably right.

example 3: IV.III: Brutus felt guilty about killing Caesar.
The night before the Battle of Philippi, Julius Caesar's “ghost” comes to Brutus. When Caesar's ghost came to Brutus, it may be a real ghost, but it is likely that it is just Brutus's conscience coming back to haunt him. Since Brutus is truly a good man, he has a conscience and feels guilty. However, he does not show signs of remorse, for he still believes that killing Caesar was the only thing that could be done to prevent Rome from becoming an

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