
Is Cooking Really Freedom in Jim Sollisch’s Article,

Decent Essays

Is Cooking Really Freedom?
According to Jim Sollisch’s article, cooking is an outlet of expression and is not limited to one gender (Sollisch, “Cooking Is Freedom”). Sollisch communicates of how his newfound interest and love of cooking came out of an act of rebellion to allow the enrollment of boys in Home Economics classes (Sollisch, “Cooking Is Freedom”). He effectively uses an informal tone and an abundance of short, simple sentences appropriate for his audiences of NY Times and blog post readers. His copious amounts of personal anecdotes provide credibility in the subject. His use of incomplete sentences and colorful, easy-to-understand word choice puts him in the level of the reader establishing a personal connection.
Sollisch’s article is found on the New York Times website in the Private Lives section on the Opinion Pages. Private Lives is a section for personal essays about real people’s lives and problems they may have encountered. This explains Sollisch’s subject choice and why this is mainly an opinion essay. He starts off with a personal story of how he first came upon the art of cooking (Sollisch, “Cooking Is Freedom”). He tops off his anecdote with similes such as when he describes the power cooking gives him as similar to “the power some kids feel when they get a driver’s license” (Sollisch, “Cooking Is Freedom”). Sollisch engages the readers with this simile because he makes himself very relatable to his intended audience.
The essay itself contains

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