
Is Disaster Triage A Just System

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Disaster triage is a just mechanism by distributing health care to patients only based on their level of injury. In the triage evaluation mechanism, color coded triage tags are often utilized for the efficiency of patient identification. Triage categories might vary depending on types of disaster and the country involved in the incident, but generally disaster triage are divided into four categories. Black tag indicates the most severely injured patients who are deceased or under conditions that are beyond help. Red tag indicates the injured patients who need immediate help for survival and should be immediately transported. Yellow tag indicates the injured patients who are in urgent conditions but their treatments can be delayed. Green tag …show more content…

When there are great amounts of triage officers performing evaluation at the same time, are all the people really being treated with the same standard during categorization? It is true that, a physician who has experience dealing with mass casualty conditions, an emergency physician who has expertise in rapid triage, or a trauma surgeon who is experienced in trauma patients evaluation will be likely to provide slightly different triage categorization results working as triage officers [Schattner 2010]. The judgement of severity of injury and the order of priority varies among individuals when they approach from different perspectives. However, according to the World Medical Association, doctors acting as triage officers “should attempt to set an order of priorities for treatment that will save the greatest number of lives and restrict morbidity [the amount of disease] to a minimum” [Hoppes 2011]. As a result, one thing is sure that no other factor than level of injury should be considered when placing a colored triage tag. Focusing on saving lives and keeping more people alive, the division of colored category provides a rough standard of measurement and works to prevent the subjectivity of the triage …show more content…

Sometimes it might be hard to categorize a patient into a specific category due to the complexity of the individual’s health status. In mass casualty situations, out-of-hospital health care workers may be asked to serve as triage officers in the field, despite the fact that they have less experience and training than the senior emergency physicians and trauma surgeons who usually perform this task at hospitals. However, the triage system has been developed and improved over time in order to help triage officers with drawing the fine line between each color category and creating a more standardized system of patient evaluation. The Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment protocol suggests that a new category (Triage tag: Blue) be inserted between the patients who need immediate transport and those with significant injuries, but who can wait for treatment. This revision of the system is hoping to relieve these out-of-hospital providers from the fear of making grievous errors by triaging some salvageable patients to the “expectant” category. This would effectively still give priority patients the most access to medical resources while making sure that no one was left to die because of a triage error. The creation of the new category embodies the essential idea of

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