
Is Eddie a Tragic Hero? (the View from the Bridge)

Decent Essays

Is Eddie a Tragic hero for our times? A tragic hero, referring to the real definition, is “a literary character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw that, combined with fate and external forces, brings on a tragedy.” ( The play, A View from the Bridge written by Arthur Miller defines the character Eddie, the protagonist, as occupying most of the qualities for a tragic hero. Eddie in A View from the Bridge came from a noble family background and had failed to realize his weakness that he had love for his niece. In this case, this love is not an adopted daughter and a father love but rather the love of a man to a woman. This tradition of a tragic hero, the wealthy or the …show more content…

He also commented on the characters, which is obvious that he is the voice for reasoning. And that is probably why Arthur Miller chose him to be a lawyer since the main job of a lawyer is to bring justice and distinguish between what’s right and wrong. He is the voice from the perspective of Arthur Miller therefore he makes readers and audiences understand, admire and forgive Eddie of what he had done that caused him to be in such a

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