
Is Exploration Worth The Risk?

Decent Essays

“Take the risk. Take the chance. Put your heart and soul into it, because when you put your heart and soul into it, you will become what you've always wanted you yourself will become a legend.” Jamie Brewer. This means that you should take the risk, take the chance, and you can accomplish what you have always wanted. Take the risk!!! Exploration is the reason we have so many great people. Exploration is worth the risk, because it develops new knowledge, creates change, and amazing people come from it. First of all, exploration is worth the risk because it develops new knowledge. “Remarks at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center,” it states that, “I give you three examples: first, medical space research may open up new understandings of man's relation to his environment.” (Kennedy, 43-45). This quote means that medical space research is going to up new knowledge about man’s relation to his environment. For example, you may believe one thing …show more content…

In the movie, “Hidden Figures,” Katherine Johnson had stated that”There are no colored bathrooms in this building.(Hidden Figures). This quote supports my claim because it Katherine Johnson wouldn’t have stood up for colored people then there wouldn’t have been any change in the NASA building. On Goodreads a quote website Margaret Mead had added, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can’t change the world.Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead. If groups of colored people had never come together and protested to get what they wanted we would never be here today. Change is the result of an event that’s happening that is bad or doesn’t work out to get there you have to have strong people just like this. It may be true that exploration is not worth the risk because it causes problems and isn’t worth it but I argue it is worth the risk because it creates change and makes our world

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