
Is Holden Caulfield Reliable Or Unreliable In Catcher In The Rye

Decent Essays

Reliable? I Think Not An unreliable character is an untrustworthy source of truth ( Throughout the Catcher In The Rye, the narrator, Holden Caulfield takes the reader through his eyes on some events, informs us of some people in his life, and tells us a little about his past. As a narrative voice he makes it difficult for the reader to comprehend whether he is reliable or unreliable. There are some reasons however, that place him in the category of an unreliable narrative voice. For example, he is immature, constantly lying, and constantly contradicting himself. A reliable source on the other hand would be trustworthy, mature, and dependable. These are a few traits that J.D Salinger’s Holden Caulfield lacks. Holden Caulfield is a very immature teen. He pesters many people around him and almost seems to enjoy getting under people’s skin. In the beginning of the book, Holden meets with one of his Professors, Mr. Spencer. His professor …show more content…

“I’m the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life” (9). According to Kathleen Esposito, an addiction counselor, “A compulsive liar is someone who lies with ease and finds comfort in it. The person may even continue to lie when presented with the truth in cold, hard facts.” Throughout the story, Caulfield lies excessively. For example, while riding the train, he meets a lady whose son also attends Pency Prep. Holden goes on to introduce himself as Rudolf Schmidt and then he has the urge to tell Mrs. Morrow what a great son she has (30). The truth is that Holden truly dislikes Ernest Morrow. Holden also tells Mrs. Morrow that he is going into New York for some minor brain surgery, rather than telling her the truth about him getting kicked out of school. "I have this tiny little tumor on the brain” (32). Holden continues to prove that he is an unreliable character. All he does is lie to everyone he speaks

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