
Is It A Liar?

Decent Essays

Most individuals tend to associate the saying, “Once a liar, always a liar” with their perception and preconceived notions about a liar. When a person has viewed you as someone who always lie is because they had lost their faith and trust in you. A liar is someone who does not confront the truth to another human being but a liar is someone who lie to avoid unnecessary conflicts. However, lying does not necessarily mean that the person is untrustworthy, but rather it is a natural instinct that all humans have simply lie about to small matters. Although lying is perceived as a negative character trait, most people lie because of the need to maintain their image, the fear of social persecution, or to comfort a loved one. Liars aren’t always untrustworthy because they need a motivational purposes in order to create a lie. People lie to hide their imperfections or conceal undesirable traits, such as selfishness, greed, and perhaps guilt, so that they are able to maintain a desired image rather than their flaws, whereas many others lie to avoid punishments. For example, a situation in which no one is paying attention during school break time, a 7 year old boy goes to steal some candies from the teacher’s jar. However, when the teacher asks the boy, he lies and does not admit his wrong doings. What was the 7 year old boy’s intention of lying? Maybe he did not want the teacher or other students to think that he is a thief, he did not want to face the consequences, or even

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