
Is It Alright To Go Against The Government?

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Going Against the Government Is it alright to go against the government? Going against the government is a grey area. Conducting this sort of action can be both right or wrong. It depends on the reason and how the person would go against the government. It could be a revolt against the government or just a simple protest to change a law. Every single person in the United States has the ability and right to speak out. It is appropriate to go against the government, but only under certain circumstances. First, it is not appropriate to go against the government if any destruction of property is done. Studs Terkel, who resides in Montague, Massachusetts, went against the government due to them building a nuclear power plant near his town. “...I …show more content…

In the 1950’s Montgomery, Alabama had very complex segregation laws when it came to public transportation like buses. “Montgomery’s segregation laws were complex:...if the white section was full and another white customer entered, blacks were required to give up their seats and move farther back…,”(Dove). The law stated that all blacks were required to give up their seat for a person who was white. This practically made all African Americans lesser than a human being. In 1955, An African American woman named Rosa Parks was arrested. Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat for a white person. Due to this incident, the African American community protested against the government by asking every African American to not use the buses. “We are...asking every Negro to stay off the buses Monday in protest of the arrest and trial…,” (Dove). This is the correct way to go against the government. A peaceful protest that did not involve any violence. The African American community also had a great reason to protest as well. They are trying to stand up for themselves and to tell the people that African Americans are as equal to other people no matter the skin color or

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