
Is Lying Ever Justified

Decent Essays

Most people have all lied at some point for whatever reason it may have been. Lying while an easy way to find a way out of trouble or save someone’s feelings should only be used in certain situations. The question has to be asked, Is lying ever justified? Lying causes loss of trust, double standards, and should only be used by the military. At first glance , Lying seems to be something done by most of the population without even thinking twice about it but, the fact is it causes confusion who is to be trusted. In “It’s the truth: Americans conflicted about lying”, a mother said,” it’s the easy trap of a lie… it is easier than telling the truth.” Teenagers especially find themselves doing this, most of the time to get out of trouble with …show more content…

Thus creating double standards and also negating the motto most of us were taught from a young age, treat one as one wants to be treated. So, then what is the point of lying to one and expecting that person to respond with the truth? Plenty of us get upset when someone lies to us, most of the time this is not justified because we tend to lie back to them.The facts of lying are not black and white, more shades of gray, if we think back to events like the American Revolution. Another example comes from,“The U.S political campaign: lies, lies, lies”, which says that, “The French Resistance during World War II could not have operated without deception”. In situations mentioned, lying is necessary, the protection of the greater good is a value that most of us if not all of us greatly value and want. That is the only time that lying should ever been used or even thought about using. Just the same, there of course are those who think that lying is never necessary and should not be used. These people do not truly understand the necessity of keeping certain things secret. For instance, people building the atomic bomb in Oak Ridge were required to lie for the plan to work and to keep those people safe. If they told everyone that they were working on a bomb that would end the war, most likely America would have lost and we would all be in much worse situations than just a few hurt feelings. An idea from the article The U.S political campaign: lies, lies, lies, says that “Military and intelligence officials will as a matter of routine lie to protect secret plans or agents at risk.” The quote once again shows the need to lie in situations that involve war and the death of many

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