
Is Lying Justified Research Paper

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Lying: Is it Justified?
People are often faced with the decision of whether or not they should speak honestly to their friends. To many people, there are certain types of lies. But to others, all lies are the same, whether they are bad or good. About 65% of Americans think that lying is okay when saving someone’s life (Article #1). However, I believe lying can be justified when you are protecting someone’s feelings or life. Firstly, I have lied before, I am a teenager, after all, but it’s only to help someone, never to hurt them. From personal experience, I remember someone asked me if their drawing looked good or not. Now, I don’t want to hurt their feelings, by saying something mean by saying, “No, I don’t like it.” That would be a bit harsh. So, of course, I lied with something nice like, “Yeah, it looks good.” Even though I felt guilty afterwards, I was hoping my opinion would encourage them to work harder, and they’ll continue being my friend.
Besides that, the other reason lying is justified is from the article “The U.S. Political Campaign: Lies, Lies, Lies,” by Paul Gray, Michael Duffy, Priscilla Painton, and Elizabeth Rudulph. During the Holocaust, Anne Frank and her family hat to hide from the Nazi’s, so that they wouldn’t be put into a concentration camp. In paragraph one it states, “...lying to protect others can literally be a …show more content…

His daughter was not informed about it at the time. He explains in the article, “Why get her all traumatized?...’I tried to protect her. It slowed down the anxiety. ‘Later, I told her what really happened.” He lied to her, so that she wouldn’t be so worried about him. This supports my my thesis because it is showing that sometimes it is necessary to lie for the well being of

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