
Essay about Is Marriage a Pricey Affair in Africa?

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Mahr, Labolla (Dowry) is liable tradition known as the stimulus for marriage in South Africa and among Muslims. Different tribes in Africa also charge bride price. In ancient times the groom’s family would plough land for years before the actual ritual of the wedding. It retained cultural traditions and created economic feasibility among families and tribes but however, Is this issue of dowry causing more damage than creating harmony? Is the question.
As in ancient times, the bride money was calculated in terms of cattle whereas, in this era where every little thing is charged in paper notes, the green paper value is highly valued. As, now families ask for an inflated price from their daughter’s suitors, which in turn is causing societal, …show more content…

Enjoy Unison does not convert marriage as an encumbrance.
What wrong is this doing to the guild? This Dowry tradition is killing the very basic fundamental of Africa. In Africa, where marriage is considered as unison of two communities, with inflated prices many women are unable to get married and they find adultery and starting a family easy without wedlock. The tradition is soon depriving from the Continent. Sex with multiple partners is having many health issues such as, HIV, STD, etc. It also affects children in the long run as quoted by the Mr. Barack Obama president of the United States of America,
“More than half of all Black children live in single-parent households, a figure that has doubled — doubled — since we were children...Children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to land up in prison”

Health and Sexual Diseases
Many may relate sexual diseases to lack of education but it's very difficult to keep separated these two subjects. According to Reports, 10% of sub Saharan Africans are infected by HIV. Why Africa is called at home of HIV because of lack of economic disparity, social stability, gender equality, sexual violence, poverty, other sexual transmitted infections, lack of male circumcision, rapid urbanization, ineffective government leadership during the crucial periods of outbreak.

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