
Is Neville Brody The True Legend Of Our Time?

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Is Neville Brody the true legend of our time?

The traditions of typography are not fun; communication should be entertaining!”
(Brody, 1988, p.18).

The Early Years
Neville Brody was born on 23rd April 1957. Brody grew up in Southgate, a suburb close to London. While in secondary school Brody studied A-level art, he stated: “I don’t remember a time in my life when I was going to do anything else. Ever since I had any self-awareness I’ve wanted to do art or painting.” (Brody, 1988, p.5) In 1975 Brody went to the Hornsey College of Art where he began to study for the Fine Art foundation course, however, he decided he wanted to pursue Graphic Design so in 1976 Brody transferred to the London College of Printing where he studied Graphics for three years.

The Punk Rock movement hit London in 1977, this heavily influenced Brody’s work and he began “following the idea of design to reveal, not to conceal.” (Brody, 1988, p.5) Punk gave Brody the confidence he needed to showcase his work, he completed his first year thesis on Dadaism and Popart. Brody was also heavily influenced by Ian Wright, a student who was in the year above him at college, as he had a very illustrative approach to type; Brody commented: “his work was fantastic and very influential upon mine.” (Brody, 1988, p.6) However, while studying in London, Brody was almost thrown out of his course for putting the Queen’s head sideways on a postage stamp concept. Despite this, Brody was able to design posters

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