
Is The Giver Truly Worth Watching?

Decent Essays

Is The Giver Truly Worth Watching?
On August 15, 2014, The Giver, a film based after Lois Lowry’s first instalment of The Giver Quartet and directed by Phillip Noyce, was released in movie theaters nationwide. The movie revolves around the main character, Jonas. Jonas, a young boy in his late teens, lives in an attempt of a utopian society on an isolated mesa with a controlled environment. In this supposedly ideal society, the populace is selectively bred and assigned jobs by the leaders. The citizen’s memories have been erased so that they only remember life on the mesa. The inhabitants are also required to take a daily injection that suppresses emotions, which are believed to be bad for humanity. When the day for assigning occupations arrives, Jonas is selected to be the next Receiver of Memories, a job so mysterious that …show more content…

The Receiver of Memories has possession of the memories of the past, and the old Receiver of Memories becomes The Giver. The Giver must give Jonas the memories of the past and also teach him about them, so Jonas can advise the leaders in making decisions. Through The Giver’s teachings, Jonas learns of the reason behind the daily injections, and he begins to skip them. With his new emotions and memories, Jonas concludes that the people’s emotions and memories should not be suppressed, so he schemes to release the memories to everyone by venturing past the Boundary of Memory, which he discovers by looking at a map in The Giver’s quarters. The leader of the society attempts to stop him, but she fails causing the peoples’ minds to be swarmed with memories (The Giver). The Giver contains numerous positive and few negative elements and,

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