
Is The Trolley Permissible For The Bystander

Decent Essays

The trolley problem is a hypothetical experiment in philosophy that involves an emergency rescue where an uncontrolled trolley travels down a track towards a group of five workers. A bystander happens to be standing next to a switch that can choose to flip the switch and divert the trolley and save the five, however, diverting the track towards a line which has only one worker on it. This problem poses a question on the rights of people sacrificing themselves or others for a better outcome. In this essay, I agree that it is permissible for the bystander to intervene and divert the track in order to save the five workers, resulting in the death of one. From an entirely utilitarian viewpoint, it is important to provide the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people (Smart 1973). However, it is important not to infringe upon the rights of others directly. …show more content…

While in both the fat man and primary case, the one person is treated wrongfully. Only the fat man case directly infringes the rights of a person. The same is true of the transplant case, it would directly be a violation of right to life of the innocent passer-by to kill him, in order to save a greater number of lives, which maximises utility. It is stated by Thompson that this explains why the bystander is allowed to pull the lever and interfere in the primary case as the bystander can maximize the amount of happiness for the greatest number of people, without directly violating anyone's rights, but in the fat man case, the bystander would have to directly void a person’s right to not to be killed in order to maximize

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