
Is There Too Much Ambition In Macbeth

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Most people think ambition is a good thing, but too much ambition makes you selfish. Macbeth had too much ambition and it overrun the witches prophecy. It made him more greedy and not for the greater good but for his own selfish interest. Macbeth didn’t listen to the witches, but the witches predictions made an effect on Macbeth. Based on the witches prophecy Macbeth was so sure and confident that he will become the Thane of Cawdor and that he shall be the king. The witches said that he would be the king and the word king made him believe the prophecy. Thus, leading him to too much ambition.
After the witches gave Macbeth his prophecy Banquo became very envious and wanted to ask the witches about his prophecy. He listened to Macbeth’s prophecy …show more content…

Macbeth’s downfall was caused by Lady Macbeth’s annoyness and ambition. She was the one who controlled him and made him kill the king. She wanted to be the queen and wanted to have the power. “ Thou wouldst be great,/Art without ambition”(Shakespeare,I, iiiii, 5-7) She became very ambitious because she know that Macbeth listens to her and depends on her and that makes her to easily control Macbeth and get him to kill the King and gain the power she wants. She was very greedy too, she became more greedy than Macbeth and because of her ambition it led Macbeth to become a …show more content…

Macbeth was controlled by Lady Macbeth many times. Macbeth had a hard time killing Duncan so Lady Macbeth tells him that this is the only way for the prophecy to come true. It is her influence that convinces Macbeth to kill duncan. In the story it's like Lady Macbeth is the man in the house and Macbeth is the women. It’s like she also control Macbeth’s fate. She is always involved in Macbeth’s decision making and he never chose his own will.
Everyone can decide their own fate and make their own decisions. Macbeth could’ve decided his own fate and his own path and not believe what others told him. If he decided to chose his own faith and path then maybe he didn’t have to kill Duncan. The witches told him his faith and that made him think that this is faith and he needed to follow that path, but if he chose his own faith and didn’t choose the witches prophecy then maybe he wouldn’t been so lonely and hated by many

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