
It Was Awful And Bitter When The Allies And The Central

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It was awful and bitter when the Allies and the Central Powers clashed and unleashed their military power at the war front in World War I. World War I also known as the “war to all end wars, or the Great War occurred between June 28, 1914, to November 11, 1918. The war left over thirty-eight million civilians and militaries casualties. Much work was needed to get the European countries back together after the war. In the book Fear written by Gabriel Chevallier, the narrator shows the unforgettable memories a war can bring. The main character Jean Dartemont is supposed to be enthusiastic to go to war like many other young nineteen-year-old French men at the time. Nationalism is high in France and there are many military posters promoting …show more content…

He takes a time throughout to book to look at his reason why he went off to war. The physical scars that Jean left with during the war were clearly seen in these accounts. Emotionally the soldiers went off to work feeling unbeatable with a strong nationalistic pride. However, they soon realized that all their emotions would not be able to conqueror the evils the war had to offer. One of the most horrific memories for Jean was when he spoke about the different type of corpse he saw while they were on their way to another town. They had crouched down on their knees under a pile of debris. When they got up they saw a decapitated head of a soldier who probably died days ago. Jean is shaken up by this horrific site by saying that when he looked at the man’s face he could fell like the man was blaming him for his death. He reminisces on all the horrific events emotionally that left him scarred, however, he goes on to say that this was the “most horrible impression” that he could take away from the war front. Jean later goes on to describe the agony and numerous positions where the corpse would lay. Personally, as the reader, I could really fell the suffering of the dying soldiers when Jean describes the “glass eyes and twisted mouths” of the dead bodies in the trench”. This evidence took a toll on Jean because he leaves the scene in disgust and without hope of a return home. Lastly, the war

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