
A College Degree Is More Than A Degree Essay

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It’s More Than a Degree
A college degree is not just a piece of paper with your name. It is a symbol of higher education and intellect. The importance of a four year college degree ranges from offering better pay to a better society. A college degree increases a person’s lifetime earnings, opens pathways to better jobs, builds character, offers job stability, and creates a better society.
A college graduate tends to earn more money compared to a high school graduate over his or her lifetime. Many jobs offered to those who did not go to college are typically minimum wage and labor intensive. These jobs tend to be more demanding and pay by the hour. Consider this, a typical job, as a cashier or something else a high school graduate can land, in Chicago pays $10 an hour. Assuming they work 40-50 hours a week, their net income for the year would be around $21,000-$26,000 before taxes. According to the United States Census Bureau, the average income of a college graduate with a bachelors is around $55,000 a year. That is almost 120% more than what a high school graduate would earn. Over a college graduates lifetime, they would earn approximately $2.3 million more compared to a non-college graduate. (USCB) To live an appropriate lifestyle in today’s society, a college degree is highly beneficial because of the substantial increase in earnings. The importance is not limited to money but attending college can also increase job opportunities.
Many colleges offer career enhancement

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