
It's Time To Reduce Food Waste In Sub-Saharan Africa

Decent Essays

In Sub-Saharan Africa 30% of the population are starving, but in many first world countries ⅓ of all food produced is wasted before it can be eaten. If the amount of food waste is not reduced Earth will be unable to support the estimated population growth. Food waste has become a larger problem in the United States due to over portioning and the mishandling of food, but this problem can be reduced or even eliminated through making consumers aware of reducing food waste and properly handling the food they do waste. Transition
Description of Problem Not only does food waste lead to starvation in other parts of the world, but it also wastes resources, "When we throw away food, we're wasting all the natural resources that go into …show more content…

While it doesn’t have a perfect answer there are simple changes that can be made to reduce food waste, “Cutting down on food waste across the country is a challenge because losses happen at every stage of the supply chain, experts say. The problem starts on farms with excess crops. It extends to supersized restaurant portions, grocery stores' quick turnover, and Americans' tendency to overbuy.” To keep produce from farms from going directly to the trash, there has to be an increased focus on quality of produce rather than appearance, “Another top contributor to food waste in the U.S. is farms, says Bloom. Agricultural producers regularly leave misshapen vegetables and discolored fruits to rot on the ground. Why? The food industry has strict standards for produce's shape, size, and color. Harvesting fruits and vegetables that don't meet those standards can be financially draining for farmers. Pickers skip over other crops if they suspect the produce will no longer be at peak freshness by the time it reaches stores.” For food that does end up wasted there are ways for people to dispose of it differently. One way that keeps food out of landfills is composting, “Composting is an alternative to disposing of food in a landfill. Certain elements of foods can be turned into compost to feed and nourish the soil, helping to cultivate new growth. Park and recreation agencies, like those in Lansing, Michigan, have utilized composting bins to re-purpose the food for their community gardens. This provides the additional benefit of educating youth about the process of how food is grown.” Finally consumer have to take it upon themselves to only buy what they will eat and to use all leftovers instead of tossing them into the

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