
JIT in Honda

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ABOUT THE CASEThe case stresses the importance of the famous management technique called JIT (Just In Time) and its use in one of the most well known company "HONDA". The case extensively discusses the features, importance, implementation, and the various problems of Just in time. JIT was first implemented by Toyota and the technique is very commonly used in many Japanese companies and HONDA is one of them. The main purpose of developing this case study is to understand JIT as an operation management technique in the business world and the problems associated with it. WHAT IS JIT?Just In Time (JIT) is an inventory strategy implemented to improve the return on investment of a business by reducing in-process inventory and its associated …show more content…

General Motors first "invited" Toyota to their California assembly plant and eventually struck a deal to co-produce cars in California. This technology soon spread to their other plants. The key to success by using JIT is for supplying accurate sales forecasting by distribution to the manufacturers. Manufacturers then must provide the distributors regional distribution holding grids or hubs where their product flows out to the end users. Federal Express started began using the "hub" technology in the 1970's. It was so revolutionary that The founder of Federal express Fred Smith got a failing grade from his college professor to propose this principle to run a company- just a few years earlier. The regional "hubs" would provide a logistical and competitive advantage to any manufacturer over another who would try and ship product from the factory. Typically a factory is not equipped to handle such a logistical hurdle. Furthermore most manufacturing plants today import product from a multitude of locations and suppliers. To combine their day to day buying, shipping, and also having a distribution center at the same facility- would become a nightmare. Therefore the regional "wheel- hub" logistical center makes more sense and more manageable. ABOUT HONDAThe history of the Honda Motor Company began with the vision of one man - Soichiro Honda. His dream was personal mobility for everyone. In October 1946, Soichiro Honda established the Honda Technical Research

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