
Jack Whitney Narrative Report

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My dearest friend! I bet you are wondering where I went off to that night we talked. I did in fact leave the ship, but not because I wanted to. I fell overboard sometime that night and had to swim the island nearest to me. It is a very long story, but it is also an interesting one.
Recently (in recent times) I was rescued (recovered) from Ship-Trap Island, where I was being hunted by a maniac (mad person, lunatic, psychopath) by the name of General Zaroff. I ended up on the island because I heard an odd (bizarre, peculiar) noise that sounded like gunshots coming from somewhere on the island from the yacht that I was on. I had gotten up on the railing to possibly see what was going on, but as I did my pipe fell out of my mouth and went …show more content…

At first I thought it was a mirage, because why would there be such a luxurious mansion in such an odd place. I went up to the house and knocked on the door, and when it opened, there stood the largest man I had ever seen, holding a revolver up to my face. He lowered the gun and stood to attention as a man came down the staircase behind him. The man spoke and told me that was General Zaroff. He allowed me inside, lent me some clothes, and let me stay for dinner. As we were eating, I became very wary of the fact that every time I looked at him, he was also staring at me. As we started talking, he told me about the most dangerous game that he had ever hunted, and how he hunted them on this island. I was very anxious to hear about the kind of game he hunted, but he never told me what it was, so I had to guess. One thing he said stuck out to me, and then with fear, I realized the kind of game he hunted. He hunted people! I thought he must be joking, but as he went on about it, I realized how completely serious he was. He said that the men he hunted had a choice, that they could be hunted by him, or they could stay and be whipped by Ivan, the giant man that held a gun to my face earlier that night.I told him that I must go to bed, because I wasn’t feeling well, which was the …show more content…

I climbed up a nearby tree, hoping that they would pass right by me. I saw General Zaroff, and this time he had brought Ivan with him. I knew I had to make a plan quick. I wiggled down the tree an fastened my hunting knife to a small tree, so that when someone passed by, they would get struck with the blade. As I heard the pack stop, I climbed up a nearby tree to see what had happened. The knife had struck Ivan. I jumped out of the tree and ran, and once I reached the edge of the cliff, I jumped off. I fell into the ocean below me, and swam to the mansion, for I could see it across from where I was. I made it by nightfall, and I snuck in. I knew he had to die, or he would kill me. I snuck into his room, but he knew I was there. He said that one of us would be fed to the dogs, and the other one would live. Obviously, I was the one to make it out

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