
Jane Austen 's Pride And Prejudice

Decent Essays

It is unfortunate that many people tend to dismiss Jane Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice, as simply a romantic love story, even labeling it a “chick flick.” Upon a shallow reading, it may appear to be such, but a closer look at the novel reveals so much more embedded in the story. In addition to describing the entertaining relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, the novel serves to forward Austen 's personal values and ideas. Furthermore, there is one issue of her era that she particularly responds to, that is, the inferior position of women. At the time this book was written, women never amounted to much of anything unless they married well, and they often had to be beautiful, accomplished, and from a family of good fortune to do so. Austen uses Pride and Prejudice to argue against this subordinate conception of women by demonstrating what truly gives a woman value. As she weaves together the story’s intricate plotline, Austen highlights this point through the attributes of Miss Elizabeth Bennet. Although Elizabeth appears to be at a disadvantage in meeting the customary qualifications for a prosperous marriage, she is perfect for portraying Austen’s ideal woman because she stands out as being rather intelligent and one who follows her heart.
The first idea that Austen refutes is that a woman’s value is inherent in her beauty. To counter this, Austen refrains from describing Elizabeth’s appearance and shifts the reader 's focus from her looks to key

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