
Jane Eyre Identity Essay

Decent Essays

In Grier English classes, we have discussed about the change of identity in many different books, for example, Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Sometimes, the mental activities experienced by the characters that are facing great transformations resonate with our life. Within all of these books we read and suffered through with countless tests and projects, I find a very important lesson in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre is a story about a little orphan girl who was raised by an abusive aunt and later was sent to a charity school. Though she met further hardships, she successfully educated herself and took a job as a governess for the Rochester family. The dark history of Mr. Rochester forced Jane to abandon the bond once between them. After a series of challenges and self-exploration, Jane returned as a mature and independent woman and lived a happily ever-after life with the love of her life. Although she faces all different kinds of changes in her life, she never lost the sense of dignity and the determination for maintaining her own autonomy. …show more content…

Without this determination, Jane Eyre will already be blind with her satisfaction for the love of Mr Rochester, loses her integrity and dignity, and never be able to accomplish her personal quest for independence and complete freedom. In this world filled with temptations and negative influences, “Stay original” becomes the hardest thing to do, but it is the soul requirement for success. As we are about to enter college, facing all different kinds of changes in life such as more intense curriculum, more options for social life, and of course, the appearance of boys in our lives, remember who are you and what is your goal, work towards it with all of your potential, and await to pick up the fruit of

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