
Jane's Austen's Use of Realism in "Persuasion" Essay

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Jane Austen only ever had six completed novels the last to be published being Persuasion (1818), all of which were based around the realist and novel of manners genre. Persuasion which falls into both these categories follows the tale of Anne Elliott, a character based upon the Cinderella archetype. Romanticism and novels of manners still to this day serves the same purpose, it provides the reader with a window in which to peer into someone else's life, some may have seen their reflections, especially the landed gentry of the day, who were of course Austen's subject matter, for the poorer classes, who were able to read or even afford a book, it revealed what was going on behind those close doors. Persuasion is unique amongst Austen's …show more content…

Austen's talent for detailing real life, provided her with much praise, Sir Walter Scott was just one of many who praised her methods writing in his journal; 'That young lady has a talent for describing the involvements and feelings and characters of ordinary life, which is to me the most wonderful I ever met with. The big Bow-wow strain I can do myself like any now going; but the exquisite touch, which renders ordinary commonplace things and characters interesting, from the truth of description and sentiment, is denied me.' As Austen's narrative strategies are analysed, one is closer to revealing the reasoning behind her immense success as a novelist. The use of realism offer s and insight into the unknown for most readers, but by creating characters such as the heroine, Anne Elliott who the reader can be most associated with, assists Austen in influencing the reader.
The novel uses an unknown third person omniscient narrator; this literary technique is regularly used within Austen's novels. The narrator’s judgements' however are similar to those that we would expect from the novel's protagonist Anne Elliott. The reader is persuaded to make judgments on the characters within the novel by observing the behaviour and reactions of how they interact with the novel’s protagonist Anne. Hawthorne

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