
Jealousy In All Summer In A Day By Ray Bradbury

Decent Essays

The short story “All Summer in a Day” by Ray Bradbury focuses on jealousy, illustrating some harsh actions that jealousy can force people to take. In the story, the protagonist, Margot, is treated poorly by her classmates because she is different from them; they were all born on the planet Venus, while she joined them from Earth. Since she is able to remember seeing the sun and they aren’t, Margot’s classmates try to deny her ideas about the sun, and make her feel bad about them. It is possible that Margot is jealous of the other kids because they all have something in common, and because she rarely socializes with them, but Margot’s classmates do aim hatred toward her because of their jealousy. Margot’s classmates lock her in a closet just before the sun appears, only feeling somewhat bad about what they have done once they have seen the sun, themselves. The short story “All Summer in a Day” focuses on jealousy, illustrating the harsh actions that jealousy can force people to take. Leading up to the appearance …show more content…

Knowing that after seven years of darkness and rain, the sun would come out from its hidden space in the clouds, they lock Margot in a closet. She has obviously been waiting for the rare appearance of the sun on planet Venus, and her peers lock her away because they long to have their own experiences with the sun, since she has already gotten hers during her early years, which were spent on Earth. Only once they have seen the sun, themselves, do the other kids feel somewhat bad about what they have done. “Then one of them gave a little cry. ‘Margot...She’s still in the closet where we locked her’” (Bradbury 6). Now that they know how magical the sun truly is, the kids realize that they should have allowed Margot to witness the sun’s appearance with her classmates. The classmates’ jealousy leads them to commit a harsh act that they will later

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