The director Oliver Stone once said “Never underestimate the power of jealousy and the power of envy to destroy. Never underestimate that.”. Success causes people to become jealous and envy you which could eventually lead to your downfall. There are some people who are so power hungry that they will do anything in their will to get on top. Along the way many people’s title and careers are ruined in order to climb up the social ladder. Similar to general Othello and President Fitzgerald Grant whose name were discredited when Iago and Olivia placed dirt on it. William Shakespeare's novel Othello it explains the story of a powerful general of an outsider part of the Venice Army whose reputation, relationship with his lover Desdemona and life is …show more content…
He is disapproved by her father not because if his character but the color of his skin. Her father doesn't understand why his daughter would rather chose a black man instead of the other “wealthy curled darlings”. She has a history of turning down proposals including Rodgerio who paid for her hand of marriage. Brabantio is disbelief that his daughter went behind is back to marry a Moor and is convinced that Othello “enchanted her” or casted a spell on her. Desmond and Othello’s relationship proves that along they are both respected people in the community with a reputation based off their family’s name or their military position, they can't be together because of the races. Similar to Scandal where Olivia and Fitzgerald Grant couldn't continue their interracial relationship because of the judgement by their families, especially Olivia’s father who insist that her reputation in DC will be ruined if she's seen with a white man who happens to be the President of the United States. All in all, both Olivia and Desdemona have broken tradition by getting into relationships with powerful man of different races they chose their partners even with the disapproval of their …show more content…
First Iago exposes Othello and Desdemona's relationship to her father Brabantio who tries to stop their wedding but can't because Othello is approved by the Duke who respects his leadership and character. In light of the Duke’s approval Iago accuses his own wife, Emilia of having an affair with Othello and even has her plant a handkerchief. Then, he uses Roderigo's jealousy of Othello’s relationship with Desdemona to get Cassio fired which he eventually uses Cassio to get into more trouble. Iago started a rumor that Cassio and Desdemona which leads Desdemona to promise that she’ll convince Othello forgive his former lieutenant. Iago’s plan backfires and it leds to the death of Roderigo, Othello, and Desdemona. The play relates to Scandal where Olivia is jealous of Fitzgerald's relationship with his wife Millie and tries to sabotage him by accusing him of having an affair with two different interns which destroy his
In your view how does Shakespeare’s portrayal of the complex nature of jealousy contribute to the enduring value of Othello?
Baraka keeps his poem short and simple, using the devil as a metaphor for the police due to their treatment of black citizens at the time. He also uses rhyme with “pray” and “day” adding to the poems’ jazzy beat common during the black arts movement.
The person I would like to introduce is Lorie, she is the General Manager of Culligan Total Water. I chose her because she is the only person I know that works in a position that would involve enough mathematical skills to write a two page paper.
Othello is an easy target in this drama, because Iago already knows that he is a very insecure person. With that stated, it will be easy for Iago to use Othello’s jealousy to trick him into thinking that Desdemona is an unfaithful wife. Iago will manipulate the way Othello sees things in order to convince him that what he sees is innocent acts between Desdemona and Casillo. Iago’s starts to plant the idea in Othello’s head of an affair after Othello sees Casillo rush leaving Desdemona in a manner that looked as though he is guilty (1223). Alone with Othello, Iago begins to make Othello feel threatened by Casillo and Desdemona’s apparent relationship by bringing up the fact that Casillo served as Desdemona’s and Othello’s go-between during the time of their courtship. The conversation ends with Iago asking Othello to watch carefully of Desdemona and Casillo, and Iago exits giving Othello time to question the accusation of Iago (1225-1228).
first of all the characters in the play to be attacked by the "green -
In William Shakespeare's tragedy "Othello", jealousy is conveyed by the handkerchief, a symbol that adds to the importance of the work all in all.
In fact, he needs to convince Othello a general that has led many troops to battle that his wife Desdemona is having an affair with a man named Cassio, the man who received his position as Lieutenant (Bevington, D., 2014). Additionally, Iago has suspicions that his wife may have been seduced by Cassio and Othello; however, there is not enough sufficient evidence that this act took place. In Act I Scene III, Iago shares with the audience his ill will against Othello, and they soon discover he has reasoned it out with the loss of his occupation and the belief that Othello has enticed his wife, Emilia. “He proposes, as revenge of wife for wife, to put Othello into such a jealousy as judgment cannot cure” (Jorgensen, P. A., 1985, p. 59).
The strong emotions of jealousy and misplaced thrust present trouble for most of the main characters in the play, Othello. William shakespeare displays how these emotions are easily brought out in the best of people. Iago, although brilliant in this own mnd still falls vitem to jealousy's for cassio's job. The brave moor othello has doubt sof desdemona's faithfulness and in stand of trusting his wife he allows iago manipulations to could his good judgement. Desdemona is the kind innocent wife othello could ever look for but she constantly battle for trust with the moor while still helping her friend cassio.
Texts become valued over time when they explore challenging and enduring themes relevant to humanity. To a significant extent, William Shakespeare’s 1604 tragic play Othello retains its value over time through its effective encapsulation of transcendent themes that explore the individual experience. Within the passage set for study , Shakespeare examines aspects of the human nature namely immense jealousy and the arts of deception, delineating the dichotomy of good and evil that erodes the personal psyche. This sequence of thematic concerns in Othello is not only a testament to the Elizabethan audience’s interests but epitomize enduring ideas that also resonate with the today’s modern audience.
In the play Othello, written by William Shakespeare, jealousy is shown as the greatest tool to manipulate the human mind. “The immature mind often mistakes one for the other, or assumes that the greater the love, the greater the jealousy - in fact, they are almost incompatible; one emotion hardly leaves room for the other.” - Robert A. Heinlein. In the play, the feeling of jealousy is often a side effect of stories told to many of the characters, and it is obvious that most of these stories are in fact manipulated. This is seen through the jealousy that drives both Iago and Othello’s actions and the jealousy that causes Othello’s and Iago’s downfall.
In the story of Othello, all of the conflict, violence, and harm that occured was a result of jealousy. Iago, one of the victims of jealousy, made a hypocritical statement to Othello where he called jealousy a green-eyed monster. This monster known as jealousy not only consumes the people that it hates, but also consumes the person itself. Jealousy is the culprit for any character that had died in the story. Jealousy fueled each scene to the next in Othello and the more that is added, the more damage it does as seen with its effects on Roderigo, Iago, and Othello.
Iago determines to use jealousy to make Othello suspect Desdemona loves Cassio. He starts manipulating Othello’s mind to suspect Desdemona is having an affair. In this way he can get revenge from Cassio and Othello whom both he hated and at the same time gets the position he wants in the army. Iago starts to depict desdemona’s and Cassio’s simple conversation as if they were flirting; while in reality Cassio was asking for Desdemona’s help.
Many theologians and spiritual thinkers often think mystical or spiritual experiences have no place in the “real world” and those who are spiritual should only think of it as a private matter. This is a common thought in many religious experiences; the experiences of God should have in no way an interference with the regular, day-to-day life. However, many mystics see mysticism in the exact opposite light; they see spiritual experiences of God having a profound and deep relevance for the “real world” of society and even including politics. Mystics like Saint Teresa of Avila and the Sufi mystic, Rumi, present mysticism as an escape from the “real world” while mystics such as Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Simone Wei, and the author James Baldwin
He was once Othello’s top soldiers, acquaintances that he secretly hated him. For example,”Call up her father, Rouse him. Make after him, poison his delight, Proclaim him in the streets, incense her kinsmen, And though he in a fertile climate dwell, Plague him with flies; though that his joy be joy, Yet throw such chances of vexation on’t As it may lose some color… Zounds, sir, y’are robbed!
The play Othello by William Shakespeare was published during the 16th century, it is one of Shakespeare’s popular and controversial plays. Shakespeare depicts Othello’s race as placing him apart in some respects from the predominantly white European society in which he lives. Jealousy is another of the main themes in Othello. Iago is the first character to start the sparks of jealousy in Othello, and in the end, causes the downfall of Othello and Desdemona. In the end, racism and jealousy are the causes of the tragedy in Othello.