
Jealousy In Shakespeare's Othello

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Shakespeare’s play Othello is driven by hatred and tragedy. The play opens with the theme of jealousy, that “green-eyed monster,” especially from main characters Iago and Othello. Iago was the source of most, if not all, evil and deceit in the play, beginning with his quest for revenge on Othello and Cassio. During the Elizabethan era, all men felt it was necessary to protect their manhood and honor, and they often demonstrated their “manhood” with their dominance over women. Such was the case with Othello, Iago, Cassio, and Brabantio, for example. Interestingly, as they exercise a male dominance over women to exude their power, they lie to protect their honor. Othello and Iago, for example, defend their honor and reputations by covering …show more content…

For instance, when Othello and Desdemona got married it made Roderigo devastated. “Tush, never tell me! I take it much unkindly that thou, Iago who hast had my purse as if the strings were thine shouldst know of this.” (I. i. 1) Roderigo then leaned to Iago for some guidance, when really all Iago was thinking about was seeking revenge on Othello not really helping Roderigo. Roderigo thought Iago had his best interest at hand for him and did everything he said. He even told Desdemona’s father how she betrayed him to marry Othello. The reason Iago is seeking revenge on Othello is because he is jealous of Cassio for getting the job over himself. He felt he deserved the promotion over anyone else and will stop at nothing in ruining everyone’s life to get what he feels he deserves. In order to destroy Othello’s life Iago lies and says Desdemona (Othello’s wife) and Cassio (Othello’s lieutenant) are having a relationship. Othello then becomes jealous when Iago points out his suspicion and out of jealousy he believes someone he never trusted in the beginning over his own wife and friend. All because of jealousy Othello let someone come in and help ruin his

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