
Jekyll And Hyde Dualism

Decent Essays

Robert Louis Stevenson the author of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was a very unorthodox man; he was renowned for his dark and psychologically twisted writing. Stevenson was a curious man who indulged in certain psychotropics, such as alcohol, cannabis and opium (Singh, 1), in which he later reveals that the story of Jekyll and Hyde emerged in his dreams. Interestingly, Stevenson was raised Catholic a religion that promotes goodness and fear evilness, which is symbolized by the light and darkness imagery to further the biblical creation story which suggests that humans posses free will which is an imperfection of humans, but nevertheless is tolerated by God (Weston, 1). Perhaps, drugs can assist individuals as a medium that allows …show more content…

Dr. Jekyll can be understood as all humans struggle to find a balance between our innate desires, the Id, and the social pressures societies impose, and arguably some should impose on society to create order and minimize chaos.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde develops the theory of human dualism to illustrate the social pressures and legal/ethical restraints that …show more content…

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde evokes an emotional and sympathetic response for the inner battles Dr. Jekyll endures when he is bombarded by the invasive and disturbing thoughts of his alternate personality, Mr. Hyde because it reminds the reader of the overwhelming feelings all human undergo in some point or time in their life, were confusion, unhappiness, and fear of unacceptable creates a vortex of for psychological anguish.
• Find a passage from the text to highlight their differences
Descriptions of both Jekyll and Hyde

A major theme of this novella is the danger of introspection and social awareness, which can be understood through an analysis of Freud’s structural model of the human psyche, pertaining specifically/exclusively to the Id, Ego, and Superego. Irrefutably, Hyde is guilty of evil acts, however one of his trademarks throughout the novella is his aggression and indifference to the expectations and limitations of society. Therefore, this novel, especially considering the historical context, that being during the Victorian era can reflect of the overbearing social expectation to behave properly in society and that specifically in Victorian society citizens were expected to repress these arguably

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