
Jekyll And Mr

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The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson represents the battle between the intelligent and rational self and the irrational and animalistic self. The novel serves as a reminder of how all humans have some sort of darkness that is deeply rooted within them, all they have to do is release it from its hiding place. The story focuses on a man, Dr. Jekyll, and his descent into madness while turning into Mr. Hyde late at night and committing atrocious crimes. The dual nature of human mentality, embodied by the evil of Mr. Hyde and the good of Dr. Jekyll, shows the battle, which rages within an individual. There are many stories out there that one could compare this novel to but one that stands out is The Incredible Hulk …show more content…

Jekyll is a good man, a well-respected man in his profession, but Mr. Hyde, on the other hand, is downright sinister. He is a cold-blooded killer, a monster who tramples upon a little girl simply because she happens to be in his way. On a deeper level, however, the comparison is not only between good and evil, but also between evolution and degeneration. Throughout the novel, Mr. Hyde’s physical appearance provokes repulsion. He is described as ‘ape-like’, ‘troglodytic’ and ‘hardly human’ (Ch. 2). As Mr. Enfield, a well-known man about town and distant kinsman of Jekyll’s friend Mr. Utterson detects ‘There is something wrong with his appearance; something displeasing, something downright detestable’ (Ch. 1). About fifteen years before Jekyll and Hyde, Charles Darwin had published The Descent of Man (1871), a book in which he concluded that humankind had ‘descended from a hairy, tailed quadruped’ which was itself ‘probably derived from an ancient marsupial animal’. Going back even further, Darwin hypothesized that ‘some amphibian-like creature, and this again from some fish-like animal’ had led these stages of evolution. Mr. Hyde is stated as physically revolting but perhaps only because he subconsciously reminds those he meets of their own distant evolutionary inheritance. When Dr. Jekyll’s medical colleague, Dr. Lanyon, bears witness to Hyde’s transformation back into Jekyll, the knowledge that the horrid, murderous beast

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