
Jennifer Joel's Influenced My Writing

Satisfactory Essays

His enterer life, he had wanted to be an author, he wrote books all through high school and college, but none of them ever got published. So, after college, decided to give writing movies a try. He moved out to Hollywood with some friends and started writing spec scripts. Ended up getting his first screenwriting assignment within a few months. Needed to have a temporary job reading scripts at a small production company and convinced them that they should just hire him to write any movies they wanted.

That led to getting a manager, that led to him getting representation at an agency, which led to bigger jobs in movies and TV. However, after many years of this, he decided the time had come to try writing books again. His agency had a book department, so asked if he could talk to someone there. A literary agent named Jennifer Joel looked over his TV & film work and called to ask if he had ever considered writing middle grade. Up until that moment, hadn’t but realized Jenn was right That was exactly what he ought to be writing. He even had an idea for an adult novel — a mystery about a dead hippo — that would be far better for middle grade.

This was only about seven years ago, but even then, there weren’t that many people writing middle grade novels for boys. He didn’t have to write the whole book. Jenn could sell it to Simon & Schuster based upon his pitch, an outline and a few sample chapters. …show more content…

He was born on June 11, 1969. Studied in the University of Pennsylvania. He loves visiting the zoo, museums and the beach. His favorite sports are biking, skiing and playing

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