
Jesse Owens Accomplishments

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any. He made most of them on Goodwill tours. By his own words he made sparkles in people’s eyes and the desire to strive for their dreams. Owens designed the Junior Olympic Games for youngsters in Chicago between the ages of twelve and seventeen. It included sports from swimming to track and field. “He knew that by creating this organization, it would make it even more possible for children to realize they can do anything they want. He also knew that this would make a goal for kids to pursue into their achievements,” said one of the reporters.(20) When Owens turned professional in some ways he still helped his community in various ways. In Europe he was asked to race professionally.” He went all around the European countries, thinking he would get paid. Until he had …show more content…

Until forty years after he won medals, Owens was invited to the white house to accept a Presidential Medal of Freedom from Gerald Ford. The award is given to people who made a change and promotes world peace. Jesse said, “when i came back to native country, after all the stories about Hitler, I couldn't ride in front of the bus. I had to go to the back door. I couldn't live where i wanted, I wasn't invited to shake hands with Hitler, but i was invited to shake hands with the president”(20). That is exactly what Jesse Owens did. Jimmy Carter honored Owens two years later with the Living Legend Award. The Living Legend award is given to artists, entertainers, writers, as well as athletes that promote diversity and contribute to the United States. The most significant honor that Jesse could ever get was ten years after his death, with the Congressional Gold medal. The Congressional award is given to and to an individual who performs an outstanding deed or act of service to the security, prosperity, and national interest of the United States. After many years of Jesse Owens’ hard work have paid off, even until after his death. Jesse Owens health worsens when he just started to get respect and

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