
Jessica Mane Quotes

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Status Quo: As Jessica Mane is sitting in her tenth grade geometry class, her teacher passes out their check-up quiz they took. As she was waiting to get her test back, she twirls her chestnut hair with a #2 Dixon Pencil. She notices her teacher coming up to her, not surprised. “Not your best, Jessica,” says Ms. Fields, handing her a test. Jessica wasn’t the best at tests and quizzes. She seems to always do better in class work, that teachers give them answers to. When the bell rang, her and her best friend, Jenn, walk to their next class As she’s walking with Jenn, she notices a big, bright poster in the hallway. Call to Adventure: “Hey, what’s this?” Jessica asks. “Looks like a program to help kids that are struggling with school,” Jenn answers. “Maybe you should try it.” “I have to take an assessment? Do I have to do good on it or do I have to struggle on …show more content…

You said you’re going to have to take a test to get into it? That is going to have to be all you.” Assistance: The next day, Jessica talks to her teacher, Ms. Fields, about trying to get into the program. She was interested in it because she used to be on the A-Honor Roll, but ever since she got to high school, her grades went down, her popularity grew. “Ms. Fields, can I talk to you about my grades and this program I’m hearing about that supposedly helps them?” Jessica asked “Yes, of course,” responded Ms. Fields. “What would you like to know about the program? If you get in, I know it will help you.” “That’s just what I needed to know, if it was going to help me or not.” Departure: After school ended, Jessica walked to the library to start looking into what she would need to do to get into this program. She didn’t just want to get into it, she needed to get into it, this would make a huge impact on her grades, which could determine whether or not she goes to the college she would like to go

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