
Jesus Vs Scripture

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These two books basically walked through the Old Testament giving a very brief overview of what happened and how it points to Christ, before and after His incarnation. While they both went through telling a story, Roberts was more concerned with treating Scripture as a metanarrative. He walked through giving points to show how the story was being developed. His concern was for the Kingdom of God. Clowney, on the other hand, was not so much concerned with how the Scripture was connected to itself but how the major characters in the Old Testament foreshadowed how Christ would be. He basically walked through how each character used by God fell short of their calling, not enough to not fulfill their purpose, but enough to not stand as perfect before …show more content…

Roberts did follow a specific storyline of the Kingdom of God as it fell in creation and will rise again, perfect, in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. He follows a pattern that names each stage of the Kingdom: the perished, promised, partial, prophesied, present, proclaimed, and perfected Kingdom. Each one is a section of the Old Testament up until the prophesied kingdom. After this part in the story, Jesus presents himself to fulfill the comings of the present, proclaimed, and perfected Kingdoms. Each part has God’s people, God’s place, and God’s rule and blessing. Ultimately, these are all filled with Jesus. However, before He returns, there has to be the other parts in order to reveal Him fully in the midst of sin and …show more content…

His title is literally “The Unfolding Mystery: Discovering Christ in the Old Testament”. However, as stated in the title, he does not go into the New Testament or to the future like Roberts does. Instead of following a storyline, Clowney picks out specific situations that point to Jesus. As stated in the introduction, he showed how Christ fulfilled all of the callings of the “heroes” found in Scripture. Going through the Old Testament, from Adam to Jonah, Jesus is revealed and foreshadowed by each of those used by God, even if it does not seem they could possibly point to Him in any

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