
Jesus Was A Rebel, By Albert Camus

Decent Essays

Situations in life often elicit for change, whether it is growing through life or making the decision to conform or shy away from “societies norms.” As anything in life these both call for change, whether it is a change in attitude or mood, things such as these are major influential factors. In the words of Albert Camus, “In order to exist, man must rebel, but rebellion must respect the limits that it discovers in itself - limits where minds meet, and in meeting, to exist”, his words illustrate a very profound meaning but it is simply stating is, as people if we ‘live’ searching for meaning or the meaning of life, we will never live. We live in a society where we have the ability to choose and to make decisions, which often or not …show more content…

But when reading and article called, ‘Jesus was a Rebel’, Eric Bryant, a pastor at Mosaic in LA stated Jesus is still “cool” to us young people because; “Jesus intrigues them. They look to him. He is real, authentic, and relevant. He spoke with honesty. He was a man on a mission. He was a radical, a revolutionary, yet tender and kind and loving. He was doing things completely against the rules of the day. He was a mix of justice, kindness, judgment and grace.” … And being a Christian I couldn’t say he was off, as a young adult you often look to make change in this world whether it be conforming or informing, the truth is in order to make a change or be a relevant factor in society you have to go against what is ultimately “right”. But Jesus whom was not only a leader, had many people disciples and they followed him because they believed in him, regardless if he was a rebel and rebelled against what was right in others eyes, he did what he believed what was right in his. Walt Disney once said, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” And not only being a rebel was the out come of this but also Jesus changed Christianity as a religion, making change through …show more content…

While taking philosophy at my prior school I studied Tao and although we are talking about rebel it was very relevant to what is being spoken about. “This is that, and that is this. That makes yes this and no that the same, and this makes yes this and no that the same. So are there a that and a this? Or is there not a that and a this? Where that and this cease to be opposites, you’ll find the hinge of Way” (Tzu 22). Although this may seem very complicated it is simple, Tzu is simply using imagery to illustrate a picture in your mind. If you think of his analogy as a door and the “this” being the pull and “that” as the push you’ll start to understand. The “hinge” he is referring to is relating to reality, “reality lying” and how it lies amongst two opposite things. Although we go through the push (forth) /pull (back) and different forms we aren’t attached to particular form. The Hinge’s task is to put aside duality; and enhance the understanding to others that there is no this or that. The purpose of his analogy of this and that is to expose us to “duality” and how we must breakthrough somehow. In duality, the “mind” is contrasted with “body”, but at different times, different aspects of the mind have been the center of attention. I include this as my third and final cause because I feel it adds to the idea of the exisesting part; because being a rebel is one

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