
Joe Mccarthy: Uncovering Communism

Decent Essays

Joe McCarthy was a man who was uncovering communism and by doing so was changing the structure of the American life. McCarthy used emphases on communism as his way back into the voting minds of the American people. He was uncovering communism through corrupt politics, scare tactics, and false accusations. Using false accusations he would to bring down his rivals. McCarthy would created organizations to scare people from communism such as the UAHC. In Hollywood, actors were blacklisted and directors were changing the themes throughout their films. McCarthy created a lack of trust that would shake American nature and withhold the American dream from many. All these tactics he used enviably led to the changing of the structure of American life. Organizations pushed for answers that made people lose their jobs. People were forced into conformity out of fear, turning against their neighbors and family. Women were given a fate of marriage at young ages, if they didn't do so they were seen as different therefore in danger of getting accused of being a communist. Conformity caused a lack of individual culture through sexuality as well. Although no one would speak up at the time, nobody agreed with McCarthy's tactics including the American people, foreign countries and even his supporters. In result, all of McCarthy’s corrupt …show more content…

McCarthy, or Tail Gunner Joe as he was later addressed, always had a lack of confidence according to the author Robert Goldston. His lack of confidence brought on a great need to fit in, for people to like him. Unfortunately for McCarthy in the future he would go on to pursue a career where being liked is easier said than done. To gain popularity McCarthy treated his colleges as if they were on a pedestal (Goldston 40). He always had to be apart of the group. This would later translate to his political career of severe selfish

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