
Joey Martin . Professor C. Danley . English – 2367: Writing

Good Essays

Joey Martin
Professor C. Danley
English – 2367: Writing Proposal
30 January 2017
A Textual Analysis of: The Second Chance Killer
My writing proposal topic is based off the article “The Prisoner” written by the author Skip Hollandsworth. And published on Texas Monthly, created a masterful piece that had a distinct purpose and way of portraying a twelve-year-old killer. Hollandsworth goes on to explain Edwin growing up in poverty and around gang violence for most his juvenile life. Edwin grew up in one bedroom houses and run down apartments with his mother and multiple siblings. Edwin Degrow was arrested and given a forty-year sentence for killing a cab driver in an attempt to rob him. A then seventy-nine pound Edwin is now halfway through …show more content…

Hollandsworth engages inside the minds of readers by establishing a base of knowledge of the unjust criminal sentencing Edwin was given. throughout the article “The Prisoner”, Edwin is portrayed as a cold-blooded killer who deserves to be locked up with no way of receiving a second chance at life. Hollandsworth concluded that Edwin is not the only twelve-year-old to be sentenced to a state prison as a juvenile, “According to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, of the 140,000 inmates now housed in its prisons, approximately 2,000 are there for crimes that they committed as juveniles, which state law defines as anyone under the age of seventeen. Nearly a hundred of those inmates committed their crimes when they were only eleven, twelve, or thirteen years old” (Para 2). Edwin is also one of the youngest inmates to be sentenced to such a long and unimaginable verdict, “Of that group, only two have served more time than Edwin. “I’m considered the bad seed, the worst of the worst, all because of one stupid, terrible thing I did when I was twelve,” (Para 2). Edwin shows remorse and regret for his actions but still cannot seem to find a way to change the minds of his peers, “Why can’t people understand I’m not that twelve-year-old boy anymore? Why can’t I be given a second chance?” (Para 2). Edwin and his

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