
Johaly: A Short Story

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“Get it together. You can cry in the bedroom,” I said to myself as I wiped my face in my t-shirt and requested a cup of hot tea.
Johaly and Shay both went into the kitchen with looks of concern on their faces. Imani stayed put, and she leaned against me, while I leaned against my mom. While Johaly and Shay whispered in the kitchen. Johaly prepared the lemon tea. I craned my neck to see them, but I couldn't read lips, so I gave up and kicked my shoes off. Before I rested my head on my mom's shoulder, I asked her if she had something for a headache.
Without hesitation, she reached for her purse that was sitting on the nearby coffee table and opened it. She looked through the big hobo type bag and pulled out all sorts of stuff before she handed me a pack of Goody PM powder.
As soon as I laid eyes …show more content…

They're about to leave.”
I tried to stand up but realized that Imani had her head in my lap. She'd fallen asleep while leaning on me. I eased off of the couch slowly and lifted her head up put a pillow
When I stood up, I felt a little dizzy but still managed to go to the front door to wave goodbye to Johaly, Leo, and Francisco. At first, they didn't see me and I started to yell out the front door, but I remembered that Imani was sleeping. I flicked the light switch to get their attention and then waved when they looked. I smiled and doubled back to hug my mother and told her good night.
I was halfway down the hallway when I bumped into Lester coming out of the hall bathroom. He looked down at me and asked, “Are you calling it a night?”
“Yeah. I can't take it anymore.”
“You need some rest. I'm sorry that this happened to you.”
“Me too.”
I wasn't expecting him to hug me, but that's exactly what he did. I hugged him back, and he whispered in my ear, “I'm going to kill his ass.” I started not to reply but couldn't resist and said, “At this point. I don't care. Just do me a favor and don't tell me where you put the

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