
John Gatto Against School Essay

Decent Essays

John Taylor Gatto is the author of an essay titled “Against School.” Many phrases in his essay caught my attention; but one that really stood out was when Gatto wrote, “…Who could reasonably claim that Ariel Durant was an uneducated person? Unschooled perhaps, but not uneducated.” I agree with Gatto’s question, how can you refer to a person of such great intelligence, like Ariel Durant who co-wrote a multivolume history of the world, uneducated because he/she did not receive formal schooling? You simply cannot without being considered ignorant.
Gatto writes his essay about how there is an incorrect correlation between education and formal schooling. Gatto questions whether or not it is necessary to send children to school for six hours a day, five days a week, for the majority of the year. He mentions the fact that there are 2 million homeschoolers who can vouch for the fact that education and formal schooling do not go together the way that society associates them. …show more content…

Rose’s essay goes hand in hand with John Taylor Gatto’s essay “Against School”. Rose explains how formal schooling and intelligence are not one in the same. Rose writes “Intelligence is closely associated with formal education… most people seem to move comfortably from that notion to a belief that work requiring less schooling requires less intelligence.”
Rose writes how people make the wrongful assumption that jobs which do not require much education, such as a minimum wage job, do not require the worker to be intelligent. As Rose explained in his essay, his mother worked at a restaurant and did not receive much formal education, yet her job still required much intelligence. His mother needed good memory to remember which customers ordered what and be able to bring the customer their correct order. Rose is proving Gatto’s point that although someone might be unschooled, this does not mean that they are uneducated or

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