
John Locke Equality

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In the first section, titled Of the State of Nature, Locke starts off by talking about the different “states” every man is in. The first of these is the state of perfect freedom. This perfect freedom includes being able to decide for themselves what their actions are going to be. He also states that this perfect freedom give them the right to decide for themselves if and when they want to get rid of not only their own items/property, but also their persons, which at the time would include slaves. The second state that every man is naturally in, is that of equality. This state of equality means that no man has more power than the other. Every man, when compared to another, should be equal to each other without any doubt. The only time one man should ever have more power than another is if God himself presents a very obvious message that said man is of a higher rank than any other. Locke also states that when on man does have more power, and comes into contact with a criminal, he should only give reasonable punishment and proportionate to whatever crime was committed. John Locke truly believed that every man was equal, and should be treated as such. The second section of this reading talks about why man would want to give up all of these freedoms, and what happens when he does so. Locke believes that man gives up his …show more content…

Everything starts off perfectly in the state of Nature, man has all of his freedom and everyone is equal. After this, man grows up and realizes that he has to do something in order to protect his property. Joining society is how he does just that. After joining society, man is introduced to the legislative power, and all of the things it can and cannot do to protect him. The essay is wrapped up with a reminder that if anyone tries to interfere with freedom, all bets are off and it’s every man for himself to protect what he loves the

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