
Examples Of John Locke's Justification Of Slavery

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John Locke`s Justification Of Slavery
This paper examines Locke`s stand on the state of nature, the state of war, and his reasoning behind the justification of slavery. I am here to prove that Locke`s position on slavery was intended to relieve absolute power from the monarchy, and transfer more of the power into the wealthy and educated people of his own social economic background. In order to accomplish this task, the rest of the essay unfolds in three parts: Part One states and explains Locke`s argument, Part Two applies counter examples to see if Locke`s statement holds true under pressure, and Part Three concludes rather Locke`s justification of slavery had biased intentions in transferring power from the kings to the wealthy.
John Locke`s definition of slavery is different than the slave trade that was carried out by the Royal African Company. The fact that he was an investor in the company does not justify him supporting the New World slave trade. We can suggest that John Locke was a racist not by his conscious nature, but by the environment and his finical situation. That makes all of his wealthy and influential peers more susceptible of becoming racist by the fact that there is a layer of ignorance created between the investors of the slave trade and the institution they were investing in. The indirect contact with the realism of slave treatment combined with the indifference caused by viewing people as an investment portfolio ultimately corrupted John Locke`s

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