
John Locke 's Views On Private Property And Politics

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Each Philosopher in the early modern world has different perspectives regarding private property and politics in society. Although John Locke, Niccolo Machiavelli, and Karl Marx/Frederick Engels are from different times their criticism are crucial onto the world. Being from different eras gives them a unique perspective of how one should rule or govern. Each philosopher displays his own ideas and can seemingly disagree with one another in their methods of government. Therefore when issues of malicious rulers, private property, and politics arise, each philosopher handles these situations differently in which they criticize their method to what they believe is the right way.

Locke 's views in the social environment would criticize …show more content…

Machiavelli did not view all men equal. He believed that some men were a better fit to be rulers than others. Machiavelli felt this because of the corrupt government that was taken in action at that time so he knew that the government needed a ruler who can ensure stability and can properly manage it. These are the characteristics that the Prince had in Machiavelli’s book. An example from the book can be seen as the Judeo-Christian values as faulty in the state 's success. "Such visionary expectations, he held, bring the state to ruin, for we do not live in the world of the "ought," the fanciful utopia, but in the world of "is".(Machiavelli) The role of The Prince was not to gain integrity or virtue, but to guarantee security within the government.

John Locke has a dissimilar opinion than Machiavelli. He is basically against Machiavelli because he believes that “an authoritarian government is unlawful and unjust to society.”(Locke) John Locke believes that” all men are created equal, have the right to own property and are naturally moral and rational.” Locke believed in a natural right to life, liberty, and property; “inherent rights to freedom and self-governance that no one can take away from people.” (Locke) He thinks that people should govern themselves and be accountable for their actions. Locke describes “political power as the right to make the laws for the

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