
John Locke's Two Treatises Of Government

Decent Essays

In the 17th century, John Locke, an English philosopher paved the road to modern-day democracy. Lock is one of the first philosophers of the Enlightenment and leader of classical liberalism. In his life, he wrote multiple books and letters, which is considered common thinking today however he was seen as radical. John Locke’s The Two Treatises of Government and his leadership formed a legacy for us today.

In the 1600, King Charles the First was king of England. Charles I did not like the restrictions imposed on him by his parliament. Charles looked for loopholes and eventually introduced a forced loan, brought in a range on new custom duties and sold monopolies and patents. The citizens worried that Charles I had found a way to run the country without the Parliament. The citizens become enraged enough to execute King Charles I and abolish monarchy for a time. In 1660, King Charles the Second came into power and restated monarchy, increasing global change and new social ideas of human rights and liberty. …show more content…

This was a period of Enlightenment. People began to realize that the church was not always right and began to look to other sources for explanation of sickness, trials and joy.

In John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government, Locke rejects the idea of the divine right of kings, supporting the idea of natural rights and argues for a constitutional government that would respect their people’s rights. Although the book’s nature is debated among scholars, few question it’s powerful influence on French, American and Spanish revolutionaries in the 18th and 19th

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