
John Updike's A & P

Decent Essays

“A&P”, a short story written by John Updike in the late ninety, presents a young generation’s perspective on their conservative community. Sammy, the main character, experiences a change in his life when the three girls in bathing suit enters the grocery store where he works. The appearance of the girls arouses his desire for freedom from his dull and boring life. With the hope to be different from his co-worker and his boss, he takes on dramatic steps to brighten his future. Through only few pages of texts, “A&P” reflects deeply on an idea of a young generation’s desire to rebel against their current position and the unpleasant community they live in. “A&P” is narrated by the protagonist, Sammy. He reveals the whole story under his own …show more content…

Looking at the girls, he starts comparing them to the “sheep” at the store. The girls stop at the store only to buy Kingfish Fancy Herring Snack in Pure Sour Cream for Queenie’s mother. This is significant difference between them and other customers who are buying pineapple juice, asparagus or applesauce. With his imagination, he visions “her father and the other men were standing around in ice-cream coats and bow ties and the women were in sandals picking up herring snacks on toothpicks”, whereas his family was drinking in “tall glasses with "They'll Do It Every Time" cartoons stencilled on.” The bathing suits they are wearing also symbolize their disregard for social rule in the small town. Under Sammy’s eye, the girls represent freedom and escape from the boring world he’s trying to fit in. Coming from a low income family, Sammy admires the girl’s liberty. He feels like he’s being trapped by his family and his community. He does not want to be like 22-years old Stockie with two kids who will be working at A&P all his life and “thinks he’s going to be a manager some sunny day”. Sammy wishes to be like the girls, different from anyone in his

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