
John Warhol's 'The Factory'

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Over the entire duration of Warhol’s iconic career, ‘The Factory’ as a concept would exist in a total of three different locations (all in New York), but his original studio was situated on the fifth floor of two-three-one East Forty-Seventh Street in Midtown Manhattan. Based there between nineteen sixty-two and nineteen sixty-eight, this first space is considered to be ‘the centre for one of the most productive and experimental periods in Warhol’s career’. (Finkelstein, Warhol, and McGarry, 2007:7) With an impressive mass-output of works enabled by an army of ‘art-workers’ who manned the ‘assembly line’ that gave The Factory its name, ‘one person was making a silkscreen’ whilst another filmed a ‘screen test’, each day in The Factory brought …show more content…

It is for this reason that silver materials are used as reflectors and likely why the Factory functioned so beautifully when to be seen there was vital. Gleaming as they did, the foiled walls of the Factory came to reflect not only the beams from Name’s light rigs, but also the very counter-cultural era their inhabitants belonged to. In a sense, the Silver Studio its self functioned as a ‘big box camera’. Once within it’s walls, it’s guests were encouraged to expose and develop themselves. (Hickey, Schorr, and Name, 1997:18) Like so many silver halide crystals suspended in the gelatin of Warhol’s …show more content…

From the heavy use of amphetamines to the leniency around free love, as ‘a microcosm of the era its self’ the Silver Studio embodied all that the decade’s rebels were discovering: politics and protest, style, excess and the fame that followed (Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film). As a result of the experimentation that took place, the fifth floor Midtown Manhattan loft emitted a certain ‘aura’ that was evident in both the would-be stars Warhol invited in, the ‘junkies and musicians, technicians and friends’, and the artworks he was able to produce thanks to them. (Finkelstein, Warhol, and McGarry, 2007:63) In truth, it was a sense of detachment from all but his ‘constellation of… Factory associates’ that gifted Warhol the perspective to document the era as he did. (Watson,

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