
Johnny And Dally: Similarities And Differences

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Johnny and Dally have many similarities and differences. In The Outsiders by S.E. Hilton two of the main characters have many similarities and differences. For example a similarity is how both Johnny and Dally have abusive parents who pay no attention to them. Another example is how they both place little value in their own lives. A difference is how Dally is tough and Johnny is sensitive. Also how Johnny is the most law abiding of all the greasers and Dally has a police record a mile long. Johnny and Dally both have immense similarities and drastic differences.

Johnny and Dally grew up with abusive parents who play little to no attention to them. Johnny’s father has abused him his whole life and his mother payed little attention to him;“his father was always beating him up,and his mother ignored him except when she was hacked off at something, and then you could hear her yelling at him clear down at are house.” (. Perhaps, if Johnny’s parents payed attention to him he would not be living on the streets and get in trouble so much. Similarly Dally’s father payed little attention to him. Dally tells Johnny “‘ shoot, my old man don’t give a hang whether, I’m in jail dead in a car wreck, or drunk in the gutter.”’(88). If Dally's parents cared or payed attention to him he …show more content…

Johnny is sensitive, however Dally is tough and love to cause problems and fighting. When Johnny is dying he tells Pony to stay the way he is he says “‘stay gold Pony, stay gold”’ (149). Johnny is telling Ponyboy to stay sensitive and caring. That Pony should not get tough like Dally, he should stay the way he is and enjoy the world’s beauty. Dally unlike Johnny believes in life only the tough survive. Dally never cared about anyone thing or any one except Johnny, “he was cold, hard, and mean” Pony states. Dally mentions how if you get tough nothing can hurt you. Which completely contrasts when Johnny says to stay

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