
Jonathan Edward's Sermon, Sinners In The Hand Of An Angry God

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Jonathan Edward’s Sermon, “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God”, proposes many questions, such as how Edward’s pictures human nature. Edward preached and pictured human nature with many moving and powerful ways. In his sermon, Jonathan lectures about how human nature is naturally dreadful. Claiming how everybody in the world sins, it’s the corrupt sinners who don’t pray and worship to God who will be emitted to Hell. Jonathan Edwards preaches how the people of our planet must repent our sins, praying to God and asking for forgiveness. If people do not repent their sins or ask for forgiveness, they will be sent to Hell, suffering forever. Edward uses imagery and describes how Hell is resembled. He describes it as a “fiery pit” and how people will “absolutely despair of ever having …show more content…

The necessary way he cited as being necessary for salvation was reforming your life after a terrible sin and “keeping up a form of religion in your families and closets, and in the house of God.” Edward’s explained how adjusting your life to being reputable and religious will change the way God conceives you. A person must repent their sins, pray, and go to mass to be forgiven. Finally, in your later years God will authorize you to be put in Heaven. Jonathan Edward’s presented the way he thought a corrupt sinner could be allowed into heaven, and he also mentions how one could be put into Hell. Jonathan mentioned how he was with “miserable creatures now tormented in hell, who their feel and bear the fierceness of God’s wrath,” Edward’s preached how many people are “over the pit of Hell on a rotten covering,” meaning many men and women are at the edge of Hell and that they must improve their religious life to be sent to heaven. Jonathan Edwards desire to "awaken" and save as many souls as possible motivated him to become a pastor portraying to us what human nature is and how one must reach

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