
Joseph Jacques-Jean Chretien: Canadian Prime Minister

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Canada’s head of the state may be the Queen, and the governor general as the Queen’s representative; however, it is actually the Prime Minister that governs Canada. The Prime Minister is known as the nation’s head of government, his office is said to be one of the most powerful leadership positions in any Western Democracy, meaning a great deal of Canadian political life centres around his deeds and decisions. With multiple articles and historic achievements, Joseph Jacques-Jean Chretien’s time as Prime Minister, will in fact be remembered as a success in office as he left an outstanding memorable mark on Canada’s economy. Jean Chretien made a difference in the Canadian economy during three major political events: The Maple Miracle, The 1969 …show more content…

Just a few days before the vote, the single biggest event of the campaign took place on October 27th 1995 when over 100,000 Canadians from all across the country gather in Montreal for a massive Unity Rally. This rally appealed to the French Canadians to vote for Canada. On Referendum day the yes vote was heavy in Francophone areas but a minority on the West side of Montreal, Northern Quebec and the Eastern Township. The outcome of this day was a success on Chretien’s part as the Federalists who were opposed to the idea of Quebec becoming sovereign won against the Separatists who were for the separation, with the vote being “50.58% to 49.42%” (Maple Leaf Web, …show more content…

Thus, this could potentially lead to Quebec’s economy to fall in which could lead many companies and Quebec left in a great amount of debt and possibly insolvency. In addition, if Quebec were to separate it would be costly for them to obtain resources from other parts of Canada, as tariffs would be placed. Quebec wouldn’t be allowed to gather their resources themselves. However they would have to pay Canadian companies to gather their resources and to also sell them to Quebec, costing them a great amount of money. Therefore, this allows the 1995 Referendum to be known as a success as Jean Chretien saved Quebec’s economy along with Canada’s economy a tremendous amount of money allowing their economies to strive rather than collapse. It will be remembered as a remarkable success as Chretien fought for the people and what he thought was right for them, allowing the citizens of Quebec to continually enjoy the rights and privileges that being a Canadian citizen allows you to partake

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